Inktober 2015

So this year I decided to have a go at Inktober! The aim is to draw one ink drawing every day for the 31 days of October. I managed to get them all done and finished the inktober challenge (except for one day which I made up for the next day).

Must say I’m quite proud of myself, even though it seemed like an easy task, as the month went on I found it harder and harder to think of things to draw that the theme. But I had fun with this challenge, and I even re-kindled my fondness of ink drawing with a bamboo stick I got given in an art class a long time ago!

My friend Sophie and I did it together, and we decided to give ourselves a theme per week, so for week 1 we went for Autumn/Winter.

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The theme for week 2 was films.

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The third theme was games.

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Since it was the end of October, the theme for our last week was Halloween!

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